What do you think you would have to do in order to qualify for a doctors assisted weight loss program? The criteria used by most programs to evaluate candidates is whether they have a diagnosed medical condition or not. The reason is that the program wants to get you off the hook as quickly as possible. The sooner you are off the hook, the faster you can lose the weight without any complications.
After you have been accepted into the program at lose weight Cary, you will be assigned a dietitian and/or medical weight loss program counselor. Your counselor will be responsible for making your diet and exercise program fun and exciting. He/She will also be your advocate in getting medical help when needed. The program will give you a lot of information on how to eat to lose weight and what foods and nutrients are good for you. It is also important that your counselor know your medical history because this information may play a vital role in the success of your program.
There are several factors involved with the consideration of medical weight loss program eligibility. If you qualify, you should be given information about the cost of the program, the food pyramid recommended by your doctor and information about your progress at each step along the way. A counselor can also help you with your goal setting and motivate you. Some programs will also offer online support groups that will be of tremendous support during the times that you need it the most. Find out what kind of support you will be offered by your medical weight loss program counselor.